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Date Pickers

Date Picker is a fully featured date selection component that lets users select a date.


Basic usage

To use Date Picker, import DatePicker component and bind value to a variable. The variable will be updated with the selected date.

value: undefined

Date format

You can change display format of the date using format prop. The format is based on Format of Moment.js.

format: yyyy/MM/DD, value: undefined
format: Do [of] MMMM, value: undefined
format: D MMM YYYY, value: undefined

Initial Value

You can set initial value for DatePicker.

value: 1900/04/24
value: Sat Jun 03 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Border rounded


No border





value: undefined


value: undefined, changed: undefined

Custom Options

DatePicker component internally uses LitePicker. which you can pass options to Litepicker instance using options prop.

Highlight days
Number of months
pick ranges